Thursday, November 6, 2008


Last evening I was the designated baby sitter. Mama Beth and Papa Jim took Jon and Megan to their Fall concert. Oh, how I wish I had brought my camera. Mary dotes and Kenny were on the floor playing. Mary decided that she wanted Kenny's blocks. She began picking them up and putting them in the chair where he could not reach them. Lo and behold I looked over and Kenny tackled Mary so hard she fell over and he was on top of her pulling those long blond curls with both hands. Before I could get him off he had her crying so hard, and screaming. He was as calm as could be, letting her know that stealing his toys would have retribution. I moved them apart and then noticed Mary had skinned her nose on the floor where Kenny had tackled her. I wanted to laugh but held my laughter and consoled both little ones. One can imagine them fighting as teenagers!!! I know who will win, and I know who will scream the loudest...

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