Thursday, May 19, 2011

no rubber duckies here

Pelican heaven, stocked pond

pelican and healthy duck swim together

see that orange thing, it is my bobber and tackle that got caught in a tree

beautiful birds, across the lake is a blue heron on the shore (about three fingers from the tree)

We went to St. Vrain on Monday and stayed until Wednesday afternoon.  They have stocked the ponds with five pound trout so we spent a good deal of time trying to catch one.  Jim got the biggest haul.  He caught a duck who was entangled in lead line.  He reeled him in, what a rukkus, and tried to get both lines untangled.  He got his line off but the little duck took off before we could get the lead line off of him.  It made me cry, I hate when things suffer.  It does make a good story to tell.  We had a wonderful time and are planning to go back and fish with the grandchildren this weekend.  here's hopin they are a biting!

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