Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fish, fish and more fish!

Mary, Adam, Patrick, Grace and Abby


Abby and Adam on a hike


Adam, this is how you pick them up!

Another group of Fisherman let the children play with their net, it was SO MUCH FUN

7 am, Nana and patrick trying their luck in the cool of the morning
, glad it finally warmed up
We left Aurora about 6:30 am and headed for St. Vrain.  I haven't seen the children so excited about going fishing in a long time, but that was the conversation on the drive up.  On the way we saw a hot air balloon club landing their balloons.  Adam remarked that this was his luckiest day of his life, we were going fishing and he saw the giant balloons coming in for a landing!
When we arrived it was chilly, but I was so happy I had the poles ready to go, we could not get to the water fast enough.  About nine, the fish startted to arrive.  You would never guess at first how afraid they were of the creatures but about an hour later they were playing with them in the bucket daring each other to touch and pick them up.  I sat in the background holding my laughter, listening to them describe what it was like to play with fish.  Adam and Mary wanted to take theirs home as pets.  Fortunately they died in the bucket and we cleaned them before leaving last night.  I am going to cook them today.  They were beautiful, all were better than 12 inches, and all were rainbows.  Jim and I commented this morning that it is so rewarding to take the children and let them experience things without constraints.  When we were raising our own, I was such an overbearing parent.  I was so worried about superficial things that I missed the joy of just letting children be children.  Maybe age has something to do with it, but I can honestly say I was not the worry wart I used to be with children around big ponds of water.  I could relax and enjoy the moment.  Blessed is the only word that describes my world.  (I am glad it didn't end yesterday, I would like a few more fishing trips with the grandchildren.  By the way, Chris was there and he had such a good time he called Jim to come up and fish with us.  Two out of three siblings all together was a blessing.

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