On Friday night my cousin Kathleen came for dinner. We love when she visits us...we catch up on family matters and then the kids taught her our favorite card game, 31. Grace helped her play her cards. Saturday, Jim came up for the day. It was fun to have our sons there. They fished and fished. As you can see by the pics, they caught and released and caught. We were all jealous because they got the fish. The children were disappointed that they threw them back. I wasn't, I didn't feel up to cleaning and preparing fish...Sunday, always comes too fast. I took a bike ride with the children and Jim. The bikes are a wonderful addition to the camping experience. No bored children and wow, they fall fast asleep fast at night. I asked what there favorite time was this weekend. The consensus was that getting on top of the motorhome is their favorite activity. (along with bikes, water pumps and fishing.) We plan to go to Cherry Creek in two weeks. So I will blog if something exciting happens between times.
New poles from Colorado State Park system.
Hot air ballon flying by...
Chris caught a huge large mouth bass...
Jim catches a rainbow trout. The kids wanted to keep it as a pet...